News and Blogposts

» StuyPulse Interest Meeting

By Nicole Shin on Sunday, September 13, 2015

On September 17, StuyPulse will be having an interest meeting in the cafeteria after 10th period at 3:35. Come see our past robots being demoed as we introduce our team. If you have any interest in engineering, programming, marketing/business, or robotics in general, you should think about about attending!

» China Robotics Challenge 2015

By Nicole Shin on Thursday, September 03, 2015

On August 10, StuyPulse, along with eight other international teams (Teams 118, 148, 359, 525, 987, 1538, 1595, 1772, 2468, 4613), flew to Shenzhen, China to attend the second CRC (China Robotics Challenge) event. Our first two days in Shenzhen consisted of helping the rookie Chinese teams finish building and programming their robots. After returning from a two day stay at Guilin, China, StuyPulse and the other international teams helped the Chinese teams with the final touches on their robot, preparing them for competition. Members and mentors of our team also mentored the Chinese teams throughout our time together, teaching them from the experience we have after years of being an FRC team. The scrimmage lasted from August 17 until August 19. After the first day of practice matches, our robot seemed to be performing as expected and did not suffer any damage from shipment. We placed sixth after qualifications, and as the fifth alliance captain, we competed alongside our alliance members, Team 525 and Team 9015. Our alliance made it to semifinals, nearly grasping a seat in the finals. After eliminations with the international teams, the Chinese teams had another elimination round excluding all international teams. Our trip to China was one we will never forget and we look forward to next year’s CRC event!

» Book Sale and Tribeca Family Festival

By Ivy Wong on Monday, April 20, 2015

Hello, everyone! Saturday, April 25, is our biannual book sale. We’ll be selling books at the corner of Greenwich and Chambers. This coincides with the Tribeca Family Festival right around the corner, and we’ll be presenting on the stage at the festival and displaying our robots. Feel free to come and help support the team!

» Buckeye and Onwards

By Ivy Wong on Wednesday, April 08, 2015

StuyPulse returned from Buckeye last week, having made it to the regional semifinals. Unfortunately, we did not reach the finals, and as such we will not be going to championship this year. Fear not, however - we will be participating in scrimmages as well as other off-season events.

As a last note, our 15th Anniversary dinner will be on Saturday, May 30th from 4 to 10pm. More details to follow soon. Keep on the lookout for announcements regarding future events!

» New York City Regional

By Ivy Wong on Monday, March 16, 2015

Thank you to everyone who came to Javits this weekend to support our team at the NYC regional! We had an especially great time this year. We placed as the second alliance captain, and with the help of our awesome alliance partners Team 354 and Team 271, we made it all the way to the finals.

Although we did not win the regional, we did win a few other awards. Our software engineering mentor, Jeanne Boyarsky, was named Volunteer of the Year. Yubin Kim, our Vice President of Marketing, won the FIRST Dean’s List Finalist Award. And for the first time ever, our team won the Gracious Professionalism Award!

Our next competition will be at the Buckeye Regional at Cleveland, Ohio, on March 25-28. For those who won’t be able to come with us to Buckeye, you can watch streams of the event when it starts at The Blue Alliance. For more links, see NASA’s page here.

» Visitors From China

By Ivy Wong on Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Over the next two days, three Chinese FRC teams (Team 5452, Team 4830, and Team 5453) will be visiting Stuyvesant! For Tuesday, we will be holding lectures for our visitors on various topics related to FRC and engineering. On Wednesday, we will have an engineering challenge involving marbles, and we’ll be finishing off the day with a potluck dinner.

Stay tuned for more updates as the week progresses!

» Official Robot Name for 2015

By Ivy Wong on Friday, February 20, 2015

Our official robot name for the 2015 season has been announced! This year, our top sponsor is the Stuyvesant High School Parents’ Association, and the name they have chosen for our robot is PEGasus 1.

» Recycle Rush and Kickoff

By Ivy on Saturday, January 03, 2015

This year’s game has been released! Check out the official game page here: Recycle Rush

You can watch the game animation here: 2015 FRC Game Reveal

Like always, we had our annual kickoff and potluck today.

We started the day off by watching the live stream. At one point, we had a nice surprise:

Alex Carillo
*Alex Carrillo, team 694 alum, represents StuyPulse on the big screen.*

After going through the game manual with everyone, we broke for lunch.


Later, we split up into a few groups to puzzle over the game rules and discuss strategies. Some of the things we discussed included the main robot roles and functions, possible points per game, and auton strategies.

Strategy groups
*Joe Blay shares some of his valuable wisdom regarding pool noodles.*

At the end of the day, we met back up again in the 3rd floor atrium, where part of the game field had been marked on the ground with tape, and shared our ideas. We also had the opportunity to play around with the game pieces (a pool noodle and a recycling bin), as well as a few crates, and experiment with different ways to orient and stack them.

Third floor meeting
*I don't like the look of that ruler...*

All in all, everybody had a blast today, and it was great catching up with all the alumni. Thanks for coming, everyone!

» Stuy Splash 2014

By Ivy Wong on Thursday, December 04, 2014

On Saturday, December 13, StuyPulse will be hosting our annual Stuy Splash event at Stuyvesant High School. There will be lectures by team members and guest speakers on a variety of topics, including CAD, strategy, software development practices, and marketing. Registration starts at 9:15am, and the event lasts until 3pm. Please feel free to join us!

» CRC Elimination Rounds

By Ivy Wong on Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Elimination rounds were held today, the first ever in China. Because the event was for rookie teams, the American teams (Teams 525, 987, 1595, and us) did not play. However, we did play three great exhibition matches. Our team was awarded the Inspiration Award, as well as a set of five safety badges. Following this, there was a Q&A session to help the Chinese teams learn new things. We also exchanged contact information with them so that we could assist the teams throughout 2015 and beyond.

Though the robot has been packed up and shipped back to the U.S., we will be holding (along with the other American teams) a series of instructional seminars pertaining to a range of subjects relevant to FRC to better prepare them for their coming year.