As part of Stuyvesant Robotics, we share our robotics lab with our two sister FTC teams: FTC 310 and FTC 479.
While all three teams focus on robotics, our neighboring FTC teams create smaller robots in a span of 6 months, while we follow FRC guidelines for a season of 6 weeks. Despite these differences, we all prioritize community outreach.
You can learn more about FTC on FIRST's official site here.
Together, the FTC teams collaborate with Stuyvesant Women Engineers to teach electrical engineering to aspiring girls and with CS Dojo, which is a Stuyvesant student-led organization linked with tutoring students in various languages. Moreover, both teams are avid participants in forums and servers for FTC discussion and often share their resources and developments to help out new teams.
Fission 310 works with both local and global FLL teams and mentors elementary and middle schoolers at CoderSchool to inspire more young children to join the fascinating world of robotics.
Similarly, Fusion 479 works with elementary schools, such as P.S. 41Q and FLCDC Summer Camp to demo robots to interested future engineers.